18th January 2021

Are Tooth Implants Painful?

Patient at Lion Dental in Stourbridge with Straight White Smile

If you’ve got missing teeth, we’ve got the answer: dental implants. These natural-looking false teeth are as durable as they are dependable, meaning you get your smile back and with it, your confidence. 

Dentists have used tooth implants for years, perfecting them to the realistic and hard-wearing standard of today. In this post, we’ll talk about them in a bit more detail and share how to book a tooth implant consultation at our Stourbridge dental practice.

What are dental implants made of?

Part metal and part porcelain, these clever false teeth anchor to your jawbone so you can eat, chew, laugh, smile and talk as before. We install them in your mouth in two separate appointments to allow for healing in between. Overall, they have an impressive success rate of 90-95%.

Does the surgery hurt?

Placing your dental implants does indeed involve a minor surgical procedure. After we make a tiny incision, we gently screw a small metal post, which will act as the root of the tooth, into the jawbone. This is all carried out under anaesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain during the process. 

What about after the surgery?

Dental implants do need to heal before the crown is placed, and this period can vary from a matter of weeks to several months. However, it’s only the first few days, or a couple of weeks, where you should experience any discomfort – and this can usually be managed by being careful when brushing, taking over-the-counter painkillers and avoiding hard foods. 

What if I experience pain in the future?

This could be a sign that there’s something wrong, and we’d urge you to contact our expert implantologists. Also, keep an eye out for any other signs of problems: bleeding, a wobbly implant or sensitivity around the site can be a handful. We also offer emergency dental appointments for those being overwhelmed with tooth pains.

I’m nervous about the dentist. What can you do to help?

Fear of the dentist is common, and we don’t believe it should be a barrier to great care. Not only will you be under anaesthetic for treatment, and will have no need to fear pain, but we’ll also talk you through every aspect of the procedure and give aftercare advice for the ultimate peace of mind. 

How do I start my dental implant treatment?

Talk to our team about dental implants in Stourbridge. Rest assured you’re in calm, capable and caring hands with our expert team, and don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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